Sweet flower cupcake that my parents sent me
Catchy, right?
So I wrote a post in 100 Favorite Things about HFCS, but I just wanted to call attention to it again. It. Is. EVERYWHERE. Ok, I mean I was expecting to find it in the Caramel Bugles, but it was still a letdown. And it's in Heinz Ketchup. The holy grail of ketchup. Yes I can buy an organic ketchup, but I feel like the majority of my ketchup consumption happens in restaurants. And part of my rationale of HFCS is that if I can rule it out in products that I (well my mom when I'm at home on break) buy, I can stand to have it when I'm out. But I feel weird knowing that it's there. Am I being irrational?*
Everyone, please write all the food corporations asking them to just use sugar.