My 22nd birthday is coming up on Tuesday. Besides being an excuse to eat cake and be the center of attention and all that great stuff, my birthday also signals the chance for new beginnings.
Like New Year's, I look at birthdays as a fresh slate of sorts. Maybe because it's literally a new number, but I like to use these days as jumping off points -- maybe re-invention is too strong a term, but I like that I can tweak the things I'm not happy with. Although I believe every day is a chance to start over and be your best self, it's fun to start a new year and a new age with the right attitude.
The experts say instead of resolutions you should choose goals; tangible things you can measure progress for and achieve. I don't have any real goals for my year of being 22, but rather, things I want in my life.
I want to give myself great manicures.
I want to keep my room clean.
I want to concentrate while studying and not let my mind wander.
I want to write more.
I want to cook.
I want to end the fat talk and learn to love my body.
I want to become better at making small talk.
I want to spend both quality time with my friends and by myself.
I want to go to bed knowing that I accomplished something, no matter how small, with my day.