So, in a couple of hours I will be off! For Oxford! Woo! Yes that is a bit unreal. "Oh I'm just off to Oxford for the weekend, no big deal." I love this no Friday class thing.
But back to reality. I realized I will actually have to do some schoolwork while I'm here. Boooooo. But at least I have selected essay questions for my classes! Let's hope I don't change my mind again!
But, really it's only four papers. That's nothing compared to Richmond, right? I shouldn't sweat it I'm only young and living in London once!
More thoughts:
I realized I had no idea how long it took to take the tube to various places. Obviously, the farther away something is, the longer it will take but I could not answer how long that was. Well, I found ths handy little formula, if you will. Don't know exactly how accurate it is, but at least it's someting to go off of.
It says to allow ten minutes for your journey, plus two minutes for every stop and five minutes for every train change. Plus maybe five minutes to walk to your final destination. Neat, huh?
I wish there was a Spice Girls tour. Even a self-guided one. I'd like to see exactly where various things from the movie were filmed. If I got to ride around in the Spice Bus that wouldn't be half-bad either.
And I will NOT leave London without my milk chocolate Magnum!
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