Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mom - Avert your eyes

Well, she's going to read this anyway, but seriously, it made ME cringe. My mom would've hated it!

I had been planning all summer to organize my terror of a closet (I neglected to get a before shot, only a mid-way through one, my b!). Today was the day. (Techically I started yesterday but that was only like two small drawers of underthings.)


Please examine the pile o' clothes hanging out by the closet door. As well as the piles that are forming on my bed - the one on the far end is my "lounging/hanging out T-shirts" pile, which I eventually had to form a second stack for. Oy.

Oh my goodness, THE CLOTHES! The PILE of clothes that I created in cleaning out every drawer and shelf. On a side note: Could I HAVE any more T-shirts? Seriously.

Turned into this:

Check out the emtpy drawer and emtpy shelf. Holy cow. Just goes to show what some folding can do for ya.

Will it stay like this? Let's just say it's a good thing I leave for Richmnd in about two weeks...

Final thought: I have some pretty kick-ass clothes, I cannot lie. I need to wear some of those things more often! I had forgotten about my extensive cardigan collection. I die.

Other final thought: I found underwear, from, oh, the 6th grade in a drawer. Somehow that drawer had not been open since the new millenium?? The embarassment. Which I just shared on the world wide web.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

21 and a half

So Sunday was my half birthday. And this is how I celebrated:

Watched endless TV, including Freaks and Geeks* on DVD


Made these bad boys, and ate about a zillion of them while watching the aforementioned Freaks and Geeks

Read some of Eat, Pray, Love**

and made this delicious mess for dinner**

Pretty good half birthday I'd say! Wow, 22 is just five months and change away!

*Am now pretty much obsessed/strangely in love with almost every boy on this show. Even Neil. That's not weird, right?

**It's just OK

***Adapted from We Are Not Martha. I made a lot of substitutions, but was inspired by the recipe.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

They try to make me go to rehab...

Yesterday, my mom and I went shopping at Perkins Rowe in BR. And at J.Crew, she very generously bought me three new T-shirts. With, you guessed, it, 3d embellishments.

I have a problem. It's getting serious people.

Modeling one of my new bedecked purchases. I'll spare everyone the other two.

There are worse addictions one could have, I suppose. Pray that the rosette doesn't go out of style for a long, long time!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Out of all the horrible things that have come out of this oil spill in the Gulf, what I'm most upset about is lack of oyster po-boys.

That's a joke. Kind of. I am really upset about lack of my beloved sandwich, but I am really upset about all the damage that has been done.

I did have oysters this summer! At the Blue Plate Cafe, I had an fried oyster and brie wrap. We asked our waitress, and she said that their supplier still had oysters, but once they were gone ... that was it. You bet I ate every last oyster.

Let's hope all this nonsense is reversed soon. BP did put that cap on, and according to this article, things are looking up.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sweet Summer

It feels like summer is winding down, even though it's only mid-July. I guess once I realize I have a month left of being at home, things start to get a little scary.

So I guess I have to savor every bit that's left, although a whole month is a long time! I have such an odd concept of time. But I don't want to leave for senior year and think that I didn't appreciate the time off of classes and papers and late nights. But shouldn't I appreciate every day? No matter what?

And I think I do a pretty good job of that. Even if I'm just being lame and watching endless episodes of Scrubs, or browsing brownie recipes online.

Summer is one of my favorite things - but I'm also a little anxious to get back to the Richmond grind! Senior year is going to be interesting.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

J. Crew Query

I have a question for the Crew:

How come, for the past 2304980 years, you have had a sale on tortoiseshell hair accessories? Why does no one want them?? Why are you so eager to get rid of them? So many questions!

Also, on two different occasions my shopping partners have accidentally stolen headbands or clips. I swear, it really was an accident!

Also, I was at the mall today, and J. Crew, Banana Republic and Ann Taylor Loft are all pretty much paying you to take the clothes from them. Crazy, crazy reductions. Although, sadly, (but good for my wallet), not all of it was super cute! I guess that's why it was so cheap. But I did buy a new Banana navy blue shirt with rosettes on it. Of course.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Passage of Time, part 2

Wha??? So when I checked my spidermail this morning, I had an e-mail instructing me to order my gap and gown for graduation!! (and for Proclamation Night, which is in September, so that's not that far off really.)

Crazy. Crazy crazy.

I was going to go off on some, why freshman year Proclamation Night was like yesterday, high school graduation was two days ago ... but those events actually seem like a REALLY long time ago. Not that I don't remember them very well, but still. I have to hand it to the passage of time here. You're doing your job.

What is actually crazy is that it's time for these things. Although, I guess I knew this would have to happen sometime. I was just hoping to extend my time as an undergrad a bit longer, but whatever. Also, I'm scared of wearing a cap and gown a bit. Since I wore a white dress to my Newman graduation, caps and gowns seem very foreign to me.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weird Fact

Weird fact about myself: From spring of my freshmen year until the beginning of this past semester, I wore a pair of beads around my hips. Ghana beads. With the exception of them falling off for a day sophomore year and me freaking out until I found them in the laundry basket, I never took them off.

Freshmen year, one of my hallmates, Ellis, is a native of Ghana. And after going home for break, she brought back a ton of strings of beads for us to adorn ourselves with. Mine were a maroonish-purple color, if you're interested!

I probably kept mine on the longest, I'm sure. I'll admit, it's pretty weird to wear beads around your hips for an extended period of time.

And one time, a boy asked if I was wearing a chastity belt.


Um. No.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Beer and good friends ...

... is all you need!*

Went to Washington D.C. this weekend:

Ate good pancakes and did a helluva lot of walking,

Watched a parade, and danced and danced,

Slept on a couch that smelled like a wet dog and watched amazing fireworks,

Photo Credit: Shelby Siegel

Melded groups,

Photo Credit: Shelby Siegel

Wore one dollar patriotic hats,

Photo Credit: Shelby Siegel

...and drank a lot of beer with friends.

So American.

*Said my friend Hannah. She is so good with the one-liners!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ahh, the passage of time...

Happy July 1st! But seriously. Where did June go?!? Seriously, I'm freaking out, because this is basically the last summer ever. And it's slipping away so fast. Let's just pause, watch some bad tv in our pajamas, eat some ice cream, and soak summer in.

A few things that I'm really into right now:

Joy the Baker's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

I seriously cannot stop thinking about these, they sound that amazing. I love raw cookie dough, and these are egg-free! So no worries of salmonella! In fact, I've even thought of just making the dough portion, and not bothering even freezing it. And eating it for dinner. Is that weird? Don't answer that.

Washington, D.C.

Where I'm going this weekend, with Shelby, to visit Hannah! The Core will be reunited!

Oh yeah, and I also get to see these girls!

It should be pretty awesome.

Also, can't wait to rock my white shorts on the fourth!

I guess these shorts are another thing I'm really into. I swear, everytime I walk by an American Eagle I'm probably going to stop in and see if these shorts are on sale, because I would definitely buy them in more colors. They fit really well, but the fabric also is super nice ... dare I say kind of luxurious?

Have a lovely July 4th! I hope it's full of fireworks and beer!