I had been planning all summer to organize my terror of a closet (I neglected to get a before shot, only a mid-way through one, my b!). Today was the day. (Techically I started yesterday but that was only like two small drawers of underthings.)

Oh my goodness, THE CLOTHES! The PILE of clothes that I created in cleaning out every drawer and shelf. On a side note: Could I HAVE any more T-shirts? Seriously.
Turned into this:

Check out the emtpy drawer and emtpy shelf. Holy cow. Just goes to show what some folding can do for ya.
Will it stay like this? Let's just say it's a good thing I leave for Richmnd in about two weeks...
Final thought: I have some pretty kick-ass clothes, I cannot lie. I need to wear some of those things more often! I had forgotten about my extensive cardigan collection. I die.
Other final thought: I found underwear, from, oh, the 6th grade in a drawer. Somehow that drawer had not been open since the new millenium?? The embarassment. Which I just shared on the world wide web.
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