OK. I am scared. Just putting it out there. I'm scared of the future. I'm scared of tomorrow and a year from now. I'm scared that I'm not good enough, that I'm not smart enough, that I'm too shy, that I cry too easily. I'm scared that I don't know what I want, and if I ever figure it out that I won't get it. I'm scared that I will want the wrong things, if that's even possible. I'm scared that I'll waste potential.
I am SCARED of the Tickler, but who isn't?
But you know, the Tickler can come and touch my leg and that would be terrifying but it doesn't help the fact that I'm scared about more important things, ya know?
I'm scared that I won't cross the things off on my life list. Of which there are like three things, but they're all very important.
I'm scared that no one is reading this. But this is really just for me, anyway.
I'm scared that I'm not a good friend. They do a lot for me, but I'm scared that when they need me (which some of them do) that I'll be scared to tell them I'm here and I'll listen.
I'm scared. But I know that I can do the hard stuff. I've just been slacking, which has got to stop RIGHT THIS INSTANT. Well, right after I finish this mocha, and put my laundry in the dryer.

I would end this with something cheesy but hasn't this been cheese enough? So anyway, this is a picture I found on my computer -- I look stupid but that is my kitty who I adore and whose leg is not going to be removed! Thank goodness, because I would love my three-legged cat but still, it would make me uncomfortable.
Love your cat, love yourself. - Anonymous
I don't know if that's a real quote or not, but I'm going with it here. Peace.
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