I love this cat. He was on my birthday card and he is so excited for life. I keep it on my desk because this kitty makes me happy! He's da best, if a bit blurry.
So college is winding down. Fast. Graduation is three months away. A quarter of a year. Going from college to, well, not-college, is going to mean a ton of big changes. But I feel like the big changes have already started happening.
I'm not sure when it happened, but slowly but surely I have become a better version of myself. Not to put my old self down, but I'm more confident and more comfortable with myself. Case in point - I just came back from the gym. On a Friday night. Old me would never have done that. Because it's not "cool" to go to the gym at that time. But who cares! When I walked through the doors I realized that I wasn't going to be judged by anyone. Because after all, anyone who saw me working out was choosing to go to the gym at an uncool time as well! Instead of drinking too many empty calories (which I did Thursday and most likely will be doing tomorrow) I burned them off. Win!
If someone invited me hang out with them, would I? For sure! But I'm just as fine staying in by myself, I've come to realize. Especially since I have two episodes of Glee to catch up on.
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