Tomorrow is my last class of my junior year! Crazy, no? At 11:45 tomorrow morning (well, let's face it, 11:48, because the professor always lets us out late) I will be dunzo.
Dunzo with class that is. Still have to write two papers, a final story and take a final.
And then it is Beach Week. What what can't wait! Let's hope I don't repeat the Stripe of Beach Week '09, however. Re-apply, people, re-apply!
(I googled 'sunburn' for pictures to post here to illustrate what I do NOT want to happen. Let's just say they all made me extremely uncomfortable, and so I will leave you with this picture instead:)
Photo Credit:
Goodnight, I am exhausted, I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. It just hit me.
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