First of all, no yoga!! I know, after my ode to yoga pants yesterday, sheesh. But at least then I was up and about and able to run errands including filling up my gas tank and buying allergy medicine...
Because the pollen is freakin' EVERYWHERE. My car is covered in it (along with everyone else's on campus) and I stood in the girls' room for like ten minutes sneezing constantly. Luckily, the meds kicked in eventually but before that was not too pleasant.
Also - basically realized that between school and Collegian and beginning studying for the LSAT (eek!) I have got to get a tad more dedicated (and I'd like to dedicate more time to blogging as well). All without majorly sacrificing sleep. Hoo-boy ... only four weeks until Beach Week?! Ahhhh.
Also I hate both Visual Journalism and 'Moby Dick.' That is all.
Photo Credit:
Stupid white whale full of homoeroticism and many many pages...*
Have a happy Tuesday readers!
*I realize this image of a white Sperm Whale is ha-uge. But stupid Blogger changed the way pictures are uploaded...grr hence I cannot control their size.
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