So this morning I watched a DVR-d episode of Oprah about, well, food. She was inspired by the documentary Food, Inc. (which I have not seen and don't plan on it because A. I read Fast Food Nation and B. I can do without seeing more of the footage they showed on the show, thankyouverymuch).
But it seriously raises A LOT of ideas about food. And I flirt with this idea all the time. Usually after seeing footage of baby chicks but whatever.
So my new thing is eating real food. Like, as unprocessed as possible. Which is a ridiculous goal, I know, and I fail at it a lot but for instance, I try to eat carrots instead of potato chips with my sandwich at lunch. Carrots - unprocessed! Woo!
And I tend to eat meat only once a day (failed at this yesterday. My mom made me brinner and I was dying for some bacon with it, after having eaten some steak at lunch. My b.)
I don't think I could ever go fully vegetarian, because I like meat. And I think this is OK, because I don't love it. I'm perfectly fine eating a really good cheeseburger every once in awhile than eating red meat all the time. And I can justify this because I do think humans were meant to eat meat. Not the way it's being handled in the farms right now, sadly, but humans have been eating meat since the hungry Asians chased the wooly mammoths across the ice bridge and started North America. Seriously. And I think if chickens and pigs were treated more ethically, than they would definitely fall under the title of "real food."
Michael Pollan, an author who writes about food and was featured on this Oprah episode, has been gaining a lot of buzz lately with his new book "Food Rules" and his mantra: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Ima try to follow this.
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