Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why I am contradicting myself: Vegetarianism

I'm kind of an everything-in-moderation person. I eat meat, but try not to eat too much of it, and instead more natural "real" foods (like what Michael Pollan preaches), even though I have a horrific sweet tooth and really like vodka. Mr. Pollan probably wouldn't approve of the fact that I ate cookie cake for breakfast this morning, but everything in moderation?

So awhile back I wrote about my thoughts on the food industry, vegetarianism, etc. And that's pretty much how I felt up until I read this this afternoon (while eating chicken, no less).

I love animals, how could I not? But I really didn't have a problem with eating meat, because it's just the way life is. But if animals actually have a lot more intellectually going on than we thought, isn't it kind of weird?

I don't know how long this will last, but for now I feel a lil' funny eating meat - except fish and seafood. I refuse to believe that shrimp have thought processes. But maybe science will prove me wrong and eventually shrimp will rise up and take over the planet.

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